
It didn't work ........ a cardboard box inside a t-shirt will not stand up to a butterfly on a cat hunt.

SWMBO was feeling better.
Just as well because we were all gong out for lunch .... at an 'All You Can Eat' Pan Asian eatery.

But first - No1 son was trading in all his DSLR kit and getting lenses for his Fuji compact camera.
Unfortunately, he had already got rid of the 2 lenses I would have wanted in order to get the camera.
The shop didn't have anything (on the 2nd hand shelves) that I fancied. Maybe just as well - SWMBO may have been feeling better, but I don't think she was feeling well enough to take me going wild with the plastic.

Before going in for lunch I got the chance to do a bit of 'urban' and architectural photography around the Winter Garden area.
I can't believe that such a great area for pictures was so devoid of people........or that I got a load of shots I am happy with.

Lunch was good too.

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