Another Surprise

SWMBO was in hospital this afternoon for a more intensive check on the hole in her heart.
It turns out that it is not a small hole - it is a BIG hole. It opens up to 9 mm and "flaps like a sail".
The Consultant appeared to be rather angry and very surprised that it had not been found during 2 procedures designed to find any hole that she had done years ago.
So it is being fixed next month.

While I was waiting for SWMBO I went off and took some pictures of Craigmillar Castle. The much less often seen back is a much nicer view and was the original front.
I think we need to take the monsters there someday. They wont be any noisier than the 3 American kids who were there today!

Other pictures were some promising looking steps - which failed to deliver and some teasels

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