Getting ready

Meet Helen and Gary.
They are getting married in a couple of weeks.
We went to scope out the venue this afternoon, after our staff training session had finished.
I have found suitable outdoor and indoor locations for group shots and for images of just the two of them. Am happy now.

This was Gary trying out one of his facial expressions ready for the post wedding photos! I am going to try to get at least one of these during the wedding...I am sure I can get it again.

I work with Helen. Or rather, I should say, I couldn't work without her. She does all of the hard work, quietly, behind the scenes, for myself and so many of my colleagues. She has an amazing capacity for work and more often than not, astounds me with her organisation and ability to get everything done, usually before I ask her to.

She is amazing.

I have no doubt that Gary knows this to be true, but I am just making sure!

Have dispensed some unsolicited tips about the wedding, what with me being a veteran and only managing to get it right on the second attempt. I am certain that these two will not need any second chances. They are lovely together and I just know that they are going to be very happy.

Other than that, it has been a productive day.

Came home to two letters from the hospital that I am no longer being treated by. Two copies of the same letter. One for me. One for my Doctor (apparent by the fact that it said "Copy" and my Doctor's name and surgery address were on it as well as mine). Somehow, they both ended up in separate envelopes through my letterbox. It's this attention to detail that had already caused me to seek a second opinion and to transfer into another health authority.

The letter - told me what I knew already - my biopsy was clear. How did I know it would be? I am tested annually and had already been done 4 months prior to the test. Which is why I am not relieved, because I knew that would be the case, and the biopsy was (according to my GP and the second consultant) unnecessary given my symptoms.

7 more get ups. Although I am not sure they count as get ups if you aren't really sleeping!

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