Pussy Willow

Our granddaughter had a good night - 13 hours asleep (apart from a little cry in the night - probably a dream). She wasn't disturbed by the smoke alarms which went off again a couple of times as the temperature dropped to below freezing outside!

Opticians for me first thing - all is well and nothing changed (again) - same prescription for 4 years now!

Our daughter came to collect Jessica mid morning. They left around lunchtime.

Finlay and I went out later - and although the sun was quite warm, the wind was bitterly cold. Some of the puddles retained an ice cover as the sun had not reached them.

These catkins have appeared in the last couple of days - I had to hold the stem still in front of the camera as it was shaking so much in the wind. An entry for Tiny Tuesday, hosted by Trisharooni

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