
I bought this house in 2000. It wasn't in very good nick, to be honest, but the problems were mostly cosmetic and a couple of years later I had enough money to start addressing them. Later, I got a bit more ambitious, at least in my ideas: it wasn't me who did the work. There was a garage conversion, a new bedroom, terracing the garden, the decking, the kitchen and so on and on...

... including the addition of a porch, which meant the old front door was now the inner door. There was a cheap house number stuck on the door which was peeled off and stuck on the new outer door. It looked terrible and I always thought I needed to do something about it. But I never did.

Shortly after I moved back in, the Minx and I returned from a trip out somewhere and, on a whim, I finally took down the house number from the door. I thought this would be OK while I sorted out something new; the posties know what number the house is and any delivery company could work it out from the houses either side.

That said, who knows how long it would have taken me to find a new number? But fear not! This was my Valentine present from the Minx. 

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