Beautiful snowdrops

These beautiful snowdrops are for my lovely fellow blipper Shiv, who sadly passed away recently and whose funeral was today in Edinburgh. My thoughts are with her family and friends at this difficult time...

I was rather shaken by the news last night. I haven't been in Blip very often due to being busy with other things and I've been missing what's been happening around me. It made me really sad... A woman so full of energy and with such a great sense of humour. She will be sorely missed... 

I thought she deserved a beautiful image full of sunshine...

May she rest in peace...

The weather was lovely today, full of sunshine, and it was fairly busy in our cafe with people coming to see the snowdrops growing in Cambo Estate.

Only one more day to my weekend off. Really looking forward to it as I'm feeling rather tired. It's been a long week.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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