Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer


Rough day.

There's a few people who are not entirely thrilled about the pregnancy, and are taking it upon themselves to make sure I know just how stupid they think I am. One of those is my father. I knew he wouldn't be over the moon, but I didn't expect him to be as cruel as he has been.

A few of my favourites have been:
"Why couldn't you just be as responsible as you were when you were 16, and use contraception?"
"There ARE other ways of showing affection... Or you could just abstain. It's not THAT difficult."
"I knew you were pregnant long before you told me. You might have been able to hide the belly - after all, you're the right shape to pass it off as a bit of weight gain - but you can't hide the smell of your urine. I wanted to see how long it would take you to tell me, or if you'd be sensible and deal with the situation before it progressed."

Charming, right?

Let's see... I'm 25, in a long-term relationship with a man I have known nearly 11 years, I have a five year old son, run a business, work another job for a big media publication, my partner owns the house he's currently living in, earns a cushy income that allows necessities AND luxuries, we're restoring and renovating a house that we own... And we're being irresponsible. Uh-huh.
AND WHAT THE HELL IS WITH NOTING THE DIFFERENCE IN URINE SMELL??? Is that not just a little bit creepy? It's also not okay to expect I will "deal with" the situation.

End rant.

So I needed to escape for a little while today to clear my head and get away from the negativity from my father. Figured I'd take the camera with me, as I haven't been taking many photos just because lately - it's all been for work.
That's when I saw this lovely pair. She had been milling around with several large suitcases, looking anxious. Then he showed up.
I love seeing the raw emotion of people when they are being reunited. It's rather beautiful, I think.

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