
A difficult decision today as I had a few photos I liked. I've put a couple of them in the extras.

Had to wake up early this morning as I had an electrician coming to fix the electrics in my flat at 8.30. There was a fault in the lights and my fire alarm sensors were not working. So he has been drilling holes in my ceiling all morning, trying to get cables through and get everything working. After checking everything, he finished at 3.00pm. Good on him to come on a Saturday, by the way, and he did a really good job! I would definitely reccommend him to anybody needing electrics fixed.

So now i have the phone, the lights and the fire alarm sensors working properly. Now I'm just waiting to have the fuse box upgraded and the electric meter replaced. Getting there...

I didn't do much today apart from my shopping and cleaning all the dust in the flat after the electician left.

I was supposed to meet someone this evening who couldn't make it due to work commitments, so I stayed at home instead.

Having a day off tomorrow, so I'm gonna have a long lie in! :)

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars. I hope you're all enjoying your weekend! :)

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