ohh shiny

Busy busy day. I dug out the border where Mr PB had dug up the conifers and we planted the fruit bushes.  (whilst I dug  Mr PB went to the tip and got rid of all the dug up bushes) Then as it was still dry we  went to the allotment and got the last few bits we wanted. Of course this meant there was more things to replant. Not forgetting all the plants etc that I dug up this morning.  This took up some of the afternoon too!  I was knackered from all the digging so I sat for a few moments this afternoon and did some of my BOM. What a luxury I very rarely sit and sew in the afternoon.

While I did this, Mr PB fitted the new transmission  to his touring bike, he now has mega low gears to get him up all those hills.

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