
Dear Diary,

Last year at this time we were firmly entrenched in a cycle of repeated snow storms and frigid temperatures.  Nothing seemed to change except the level of the snow which just got higher and higher.  This winter has been so different, more like a roller coaster than a merry-go-round.  The snow event of Friday night was long gone by mid-afternoon with temperatures nearing 50F and a warm sun melting everything it touched.  The snow went from mashed potatoes to granular.  I tried to make a tiny snow squirrel, extra photograph, with not much success.  It just wouldn't stick anymore but it did make me smile and for that reason was worth attempting.

A pond nearby was, by late afternoon, losing its ice cover even as the clouds rolled in again.  This morning it looks like a beautiful day ahead with mild temperatures, blue skies and warm sun.  Our snow will melt even further. The landscape will continue its slow transformation and everyone will be wearing one less layer of clothing.  But winter is far from over.  We must take each day as it comes, enjoying the good ones and living with the bad ones.  The only completely and perpetually true sentence that was ever written is..."This too shall pass."

Transformation is often more about unlearning than learning.
-Richard Rohr

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