Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


After chatting with my parents this morning, Hubs and I decided to drive about 90 minutes south to the NJ shore to Sandy Hook.  We walked on the beach, enjoying temps in the mid-50's and saw some very interesting sea birds.  Highlights for me were seeing long-tailed ducks and my first-ever red-throated loon (in non-breeding plumage, so no red throat, alas).  Anyway, nice outing for us.

I picked this shot of a rather common herring gull because I love watching gulls - they always seem to be up to something and today was no exception.  They all seemed to be getting clams out of the mud in the tidal flats and would carry them high up in the air, before dropping them in an effort to crack the shells.  This is behavior that I've seen gulls do many times with shell fish and it never fails to fascinate me.  In this shot, the clam is easily visible about a foot below the gull.  Kind of a fun shot.  

My cold seems to be getting better - I'm hardly coughing at all and my head is clearing up.  So, my strategy of pretty much ignoring it seems to have worked. And, miracle of miracles, it seems that neither my parents or Hubs have gotten it, so yay!

Off to curl up and read a bit while Hubs naps.  We'll see what adventures tomorrow brings.  Thanks for stopping by!


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