Up the Coast

Wonderful, Wonderful

Some patches of blue sky! So up the coast on the train to Louisiana, a big artsy centre with sculpture and views over to Sweden. That Henry Moore fairly sold some stuff in his heyday, did he not? I wonder if people liked it back then? Curators, certainly. That aside, there was some excellent 60s Op Art (as I now know it is called) and even more excellent video installations, a genre usually stuffed full of dangerous horrors.
Back to town and a stop off at the Taproom - 61 different draught beers! And every one of them a winner (judging by the two I quaffed).
Finally out to the Kødbyens Fiskebar. Trendeee or what! Industrial trendy. Oysters, crab, squid. Roasted Brussels! And smoked soured ale. Honestly, I need to get home soon and get back to the peanut butter on toast.

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