
Fast, very fast when they drop to the lake twisting and turning presumably to dodge guns or blippers, depending. Rather looks like he's flashing at the hide!

Over wintering here in Gloucestershire, the pintail ducks are due to depart shortly given the right weather conditions to northern Europe it's strongholds being Poland, Eurasia and Mongolia.

Unmistakable with their long tail feathers which give rise to their name, I love the sleekness and chocolate head colouring. Unbelievably smart and quite chic.

They lay between 7 to 9 pale/olive green, tho' sometimes blue eggs  in May on the ground which the female incubates and then looks after, after hatching. The male guards the nest and has been seen to do a distraction display where he flies just above the ground with legs dangling to lure any would be predators.

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