Tiny Tuesday 39 Hyacinth

At last our building work looks as though it might actually be completed - only the flooring and LOTS of painting to go and then some order might be restored to our house!
I had too much work of the paid variety to do to go far today, so this afternoon I had a quick trip round the garden to see if anything was blooming that could qualify for today's TT challenge.  there were magnolia buds (not really all that tiny), mini, daffs, snowdrops, primroses, grape hyacinths, one lone wood anemone and...this pot of pink hyacinths lurking behind the garage.  If you look at 'info' you'll see that I couldn't get too close to snap this: too much builders' equipment and our BBQ in the way, so it's not super clear.  I did like its pink waxy prettiness though and its determination at blooming in what is currently not a very nice spot.

Thank you to Trisharooni who is kindly hosting this month.

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