Raindrops keep dashing on my head

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Ok, so, Summer has gone out the door, after yesterday's wide angle blip of blue sky, sunshine & summery flowers Reach for the sun - thanks for all the comments, stars & fav btw - suddenly today it's been November again, that transition period of Autumn into Winter where the temperature is warmish yet the wind & the rain lash against the windows all day.... I really should be used to this, but least in previous years we had a *bit* of nice hot weather through May & June, but both of those months were washouts... so not kind of sure what's going on, a very odd way for global warming to behave, right? (load of bull**** is GW!)

Anyhow so this is Benny Blackbird on the car aerial with the rain cascading down.... & as for Larry:

This way up

It's at this point that I talk about the day.... but it's been so depressing, I don't think I can... light rain tomorrow, better on the weekend, I'll believe it when I see it, or at least *feel* the sun on my face again!!!! xxx

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