Too Tall for their Own Good

What happens when you have long thin legs and wear your voluminous frou frou skirts on your head, is that there is a danger of the latter becoming so heavy that you buckle at the knees and have to have your limbs amputated and become another short arse in a jug while your stronger friends stand erect in a vase.

I'm not sure if this bunch of flowers are technically daffodils or narcissi, but they are so top heavy with petals, many of them simply fold over and break their stems.

Despite my lack of enthusiasm and talent for cooking, I seem to be wearing a hair shirt at the moment as far as this occupation is concerned.
I have another meal to prepare on Tuesday for His Lordship's brother. While HL is a committed vegetarian, his brother is not, and having been a stalker in his time (of deer!) enjoys eating venison. Thus there was a rare visit to the farmers' market this morning to buy some venison for the meal. I think I will join the brother with the meaty meal leaving HL to enjoy my lentil and cheese bake.

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