A Tale of Two Tails

Dear Diary,

Gaylord and Rudy are such distinct personalities.  They often come into conflict with each other at the seed table.  Rudy will chatter loudly and insistently while Gaylord just goes about his business.  An occasional false charge will send the little cheeky Rudy flying.  But Rudy is persistent and it seems as if Gaylord just gets fed up with noise and ambles off letting Rudy get to the seed bowl.

Then, Gaylord will bring in reinforcements in the guise of Squirrel Nutkin and the two of them will chase Rudy and Rosamond off the table.  It all seems like an orchestrated dance to me.  One winning, the other losing and then reversing the roles.  Somehow, they've managed to co-exist despite their great differences.  Sometimes Gaylord has the "high ground" eating from the bowl while Rudy picks up the fallout on the floor.  The next time I look the positions are reversed.

The bottom line is that they all get to eat and they all get to be "on top" for a while and that works out just fine for all concerned.  It is compromise in action between the "reds" and the "greys".  I have become so discouraged and, yes, disgusted by what is happening on the political stage right now that it is good to see something positive and uplifting even it is only on my back porch.

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