I had forgotten just how wonderful it was
to be out in the solitude of early morning -
as the mist rolled away
I could hear the birds singing.

My senses were heightened
as I saw and heard
the things that I had
missed for so long.

A derelict harrow in a field - 
what a story this could tell
of the many early mornings
it had worked 
but now 
it had been laid to rest -
its only task to prevent people 
from invading the fields 
belonging to its owner.

The derelict fence stood guard -
it had once been firm and strong
ready to keep out trespassers
but now this, too, 
had been laid to rest 
and was only good
for birds to perch on
whilst looking for prey.

Derelict and forgotten - 
static and still -
is that how we will be
when we have passed our prime?

Or will we be rejuvenated
restored and revitalised -
ready to take on other roles
for our ageing bodies and minds.
I know which I would rather be!

Thank you, Lord, on this your day,
as I gazed upon your creation,
You rejuvenated, restored and
revitalised my soul.

© Maureen Iles 28/02/2016

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