
By TheJuicyDoyenne

Waiting For The Spotlight...

“The greatest difficulty is the mental resistance to things that arise, and the underlying assumption that they should not.”
~ Eckhart Tolle

This quote seems particularly significant to me as it directly relates to my experience in taking this photo today. 
During my afternoon walk I had noticed that the sky was taking on a dramatic flare toward the West, so I jumped in the car and drove toward one of my favorite photographic subjects - Egg Hill.
The darkening sky was filled with clouds with just a few open spaces of bright blue; but the aspect that really caught my attention was a circular hole that had opened up within one of the clouds that was allowing the sun's last rays of the day to shine through.
I quickly took stock of the situation and decided that, if I was very lucky, these sun rays just might soon appear directly above Egg Hill; so I parked in a nearby cemetery (where I knew there was a marvelous view) and waited...and waited...and waited. 
I finally realized that the scene that I had envisioned was not going to manifest on this particular day as the cloud formation was shifting; so I ( a bit reluctantly, mind you) decided to content myself with this shot and call it a day. I think it's still a very pretty scene.
So here it is - Egg Hill on a late February afternoon... still Waiting For the Spotlight.
If you'd like, you can check out a few more Egg Hill sunsets that I've featured here on Blip. 
And, in

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