Kendall is here

By kendallishere

End of the rainbow

Blipfoto is now finished with the rainbow, and taking the cue from Arachne and GOD, I went racing out to the fire escape during a mid-day hail storm, hoping to find--and finding--a morsel of fading rainbow (look closely at the upper left corner to find it) among the construction cranes and the half-finished new apartment buildings in my neighborhood just west of the Fremont Bridge. I post it in celebration. I am grateful to our team of four Blipfuturists for their labors and their good ideas.

I am also grateful to Joe Tree. Thank you Joe, for all you have done for us all.

After my morning workout I spent the day reading, so I didn't have many ideas for photographs, but in a conversation with Arachne in comments to my Feb. 28 blip about ethics and photography, I realized that I want to be more intentional about photographing photographers. We are a funny lot.

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