Owl No.2

Another one of those days where working with young people is the best of jobs. Visitors in from all walks of life today and whilst we might have been a little twitchy the Y9s did us proud. A combined effort of a job which was well worth the effort. I managed to spend an hour working on my own project before lunch and had a meeting to move one or two more things on. And at the very end of the day I worked with a small group of my Y11s on redoing one of their pieces of controlled assessment. They worked hard and were all very grateful at the end of it. Two more after schools will see it done. I was straight home to Bailey as the official Bailey sitter was on a trip. He was pleased to see me and more bouncy than he has been all week. We walked around the big block still in the daylight and then home for tea. He has spent the rest of the evening on the spare bed and I've spent the evening doing one or two bits and taking advantage of it not being a fast day to have  (little) biscuit - or three. 

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