Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Gates on a Run

These are the Dr Baxter Memorial Gates, which were erected "by public subscription" (which I take to mean the community got together and paid for them) for Dr Baxter, a Springwood GP who died in 1950. Behind them is what looks to be an ANZAC (or general service) memorial.

I took this while running this morning (my first morning run, and one I enjoyed a lot - all 5.9 km of it).

Before heading out I took a photo of Jupiter and Venus, with the Pleiades and Hyades. there was a crescent Moon as well, but with my Pentax 50mm (desired because f/2) I couldn't get it (off to the left) and Venus (far right) in frame together. Exposure would've been tough anyway.

Larger and blurrier.

btw, this is the umpty-f'n-dozenth time I've tried to upload this; blipfoto kept deciding it was for the 1st of January 1970 and failing. I am soooo aggravated. And with my iMac running like treacle, I feel my father coming out in me. xP

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