Ring Collared Dove

I was attempting to get a few shots of some birds on the feeders in the garden.  As soon as I had everything set up the birds disappeared!  Eventually a few came back but the sun had gone!!  I was bemoaning this fact and my husband pointed out that perhaps I did not have the temperament to make a wildlife photographer- he's probably right.  However, I did manage to get a few shots in focus with a bit of suitable light and, although the robin won on cuteness, I do like this gentle bird who has to have the patience to wait for the scraps that fall when the little birds are feeding.  The pigeon was a bit of a bully but the dove bided his/her time and eventually had a meal!

This evening we are off to St Albans Abbey for a performance of St John Passion - we have been roped in to escort the Mayor and Mayoress for the occasion. One benefit is front row seats but best keep clear of any political comments for the evening!

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