
By Joquinn

Derelict Sunday: Piano Art

Today I took a bike ride with my daughter and we wandered around downtown....(You may notice a trend... we ride downtown for milkshakes... it is my bribe to convince them to exercise me.)  

There is an interactive art concept going on in our town for several years now.  Pianos are decorated by various groups and put on the street for anyone to play. (I blipped the one done by the local high school two years ago (Aug 2, 2014)   

This one looks very sad.  

I guess there is a push and pull between accessibility and  permanence.   If the art is interactive and accessible - the goal was never to maintain the pianos, or to save them.  If we get so caught up in keeping things pristine, only the elite can enjoy them.  In this case, there are more pianos in the works; my son's art class is working on one this year.

Anyway - good thoughts for a bike ride.  

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