Tiny Tuesday - Violets

Thanks so much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts for my Long-tail Tit yesterday, it's on Page 1 of Popular with my Flying Dachshund from Sunday!  I feel quite overwhelmed, thank you!! :-)

I was out earlier this morning, even before my first cuppa,  as it looked like we were in for a heavy downpour and I wanted to pick these violets before that happened. Looks much better against the black background.
I'd spotted them at the bottom of the track a few weeks ago, and remembering my rubbish attempts at photographing them in the wild, I decided I'd pick some instead. So I took a small plastic food bag with me and set off. Just as I was rummaging around in the bank, a lady and her enormous German shepherd came round the corner. I immediately recognised the dog, I'd blipped him a while ago. His name is Ozzie, and what a sweetie he is too. I had a lovely chat with his owner, Audrey, who I'd never met before and I mentioned blip as she noticed the camera asked if that was what I did. 
After I collected the flowers I popped along to the pond and spied on a cormorant drying himself off on the concrete jetty. I took far too many photos of him but none of them were good enough for a blip as the background was all wrong. I didn't want to get too close as I'm sure he would've flown off. Next time!

The vase is actually a tiny glass bottle (7cm) that TheAphid dug out of the bank opposite the violets. The bank is full of old china and glass, obviously an old dump of some sort. Other entries for TinyTuesday can be found here. Thanks to lizellen for hosting this month.

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