
....out in the field of weeds. 
 I'm in catch-up mode today--had to get my hair cut, buy some groceries, and make a stop at the cell phone store. It's so annoying, as none of my texts will send to Wi while I'm in Texas--I stopped at the cell phone store before I flew down last week and they supposedly fixed it, but it still didn't work, so I had to go back again & NOW they think it's fixed. Also, while I was in Texas I started getting all these emails from "PeopleSmart"--which is apparently a site you join and for a fee you can get people's information--thanking me for joining and saying "the information you requested on so and so is now available" &  there was a list of all these fees that I'd been charged; only I'd never even heard of them. I deleted the emails, thinking it was spam, but kept getting them so I finally looked up the phone number of the place & called them when I got home yesterday. Apparently someone got hold of my charge card number & was using it. I just can't imagine how someone got the number as I haven't used the card in at least 5 or 6 years & the card's here at home, but got it they did! So after talking to some guy for almost half an hour they reluctantly cancelled "all 3 of your memberships", which I kept telling them I hadn't opened, & they removed all the charges that had been made. Then I had to call the credit card company and they cancelled the card and transferred me to the fraud division, where they took down all the information, resulting in another 3 quarters of an hour on the phone. These people who steal your information for fraudulent things should be shot, as they don't care at all about the trouble it causes! I swear it must be someone working at one of the credit bureaus who's stealing and selling random credit card numbers! First my social security number gets jacked, & now this is the second time on one of my credit cards---May all those lousy buggers using stolen info rot in Hell!

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