Yesterday's oatcakes

Struggled for a blip today, atrocious weather, especially in the morning which made everything grey and dull. These are oatcakes from Davina McCall's book Smart Carbs. As I said yesterday, very good they are too. That's a bit of her on the cover of her book in the background of the shot.

Spent the morning doing a bit of work now and again. Enjoyed a run in the rain.

Spent the afternoon at the allotment continuing to get the plot ready for the spring. Beginning to look good now. Tomorrow I'll see if I can cart compost to the potato plot and runner bean trench while continuing to turn over the remaining sections and smarten up the edges.

When Susan came back from work we had time for our evening walk, calling in at her mother's, visiting the post office and Co-op. After dinner I spent 3 hours at the Marmite Ukulele Club meeting, hitting perhaps 4 in 10 of the chords being played.

Trouble is, I know the chords I just can't get the fingers there quick enough when changing. There were other beginners there whose experience was similar to mine. Keep practising....

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