Putangitangi and harakeke

Paradise shelduck and flax.

I often see this pair of putangitangi on this piece of grass between a housing development at the northern end of Snells Beach (known as Whisper Cove). If I show them any attention they begin to squawk very loudly and move away, and if I advance too close (not much closer than the distance I was for this shot) they fly away. Not wishing to disturb them that much, I remained too far away for the little camera to do them justice.

A couple of dried flax flower stalks with empty seed pods are in the right foreground, and more flax plants are visible on the far side of the creek. Between me and the long grass on its opposite bank, the meandering creek separated me from the birds, assisting them to feel comfortable about my presence.

A very cloudy morning and a wet day. End of a week of brilliantly sunny days.

This is a little better large.

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