Gitama's World

By Gitama

The Pier

I was picked up at the Airport by Jen.......I have finally made it to Newie.
The little bugger already had her blip for the day so we did some quick drive appease my need for one...jump out of the car...grabbed her tripod (mine was buried deep in my bag) all were beautiful spots and I could of spent ages in each of them....
....however I would of loved to of been around for the sunrise this morning...Jens blip is just gorgeous......(I would put a link to it but it never seems to work for me) ....when she showed me my eyes nearly popped out of my head.

Its lovely being here...the sky is different...there are so many interesting things and places...not to mention the hounds. They really are very very cute ...ive been dribbled on.... burped on ...coughed on....(I think that is something I will not forget....we laughed our heads off).....jumped on.....and hot breathed is good.

Bit pooped after the to bed to read my book.

“Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.” 
Groucho Marx

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