Walking Her Boundaries

The problem, unstated till now, is how
to live in a damaged body
in a world where pain is meant to be gagged
uncured        un-grieved-over        The problem is
to connect, without hysteria, the pain
of any one's body with the pain of the body's world
For it is the body's world
they are trying to destroy forever
The best world is the body's world
filled with creatures        filled with dread
misshapen so        yet the best we have
our raft among the abstract worlds
and how I longed to live on this earth
walking her boundaries        never counting the cost

- Adrienne Rich

The problem is... do you share your grief and risk alienating everyone, or can your pain connect you more deeply with others, and with this deeply suffering raft we're living together on??

One of the griefs in leaving Sutton was giving up my beloved Newhall Valley and the almost daily walks there. Yesterday and today, we have discovered that an irrigation channel runs along the bottom of the garden here and carries on... and on - we wandered along it for hours today; engaged in conversation with locals; watched a sheep in labour; practiced sermon; prayed; heard and saw storks clattering their beaks on their nests; watched a bit of a local football match and almost got hit by the ball kicked over our heads; the light on the buds bursting out everywhere...

Walking the boundaries of Mora - feels like a great gift.

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