Made some new....

.....friends today including the very smiley Freddo the frog).

Frogs are quite amazing, they either jump a mile when they see you, or allow you to shove a lens centimeters from their face without flinching.
Another thing that struck me was the gold in their eyes, not sure if its all or only certain types that have it!?!

We had to go to a window place today to see a new product line that we are interested in for the back of the house They are a little bit cheaper than the deluxe range and look very very similar but we have two options at the moment in regards to the type of window we want so tonight we will decide.

Once we got back from our outing Claire had to get ready for her girlie friends meet up so I decided to go straight to the house and work.

I went straight to the back garden as I needed to open the side gates for the job I was doing, but I stopped in my tracks when I heard the loudest croaking I think I've ever heard. Then I saw the pond in a mass movement of frogs, again I don't think I've ever seen so many. I only had my camera phone with me so took a few shots and whatsapped them to Claire saying how could I not have a proper camera with me. As a rule I rarely take either of my SLRs to the house as it is so dusty. I told Claire it was an amazing sight and next thing I know she's on her way up with the proper camera with the 100mm macro on (She's a good'n').

I spent a good half hour with the camera and frogs before I started working on the house, I dug up the boarder in front of the house which will give us more room for the cars and will probably help with the Chemical Damp Proof course which is happening tomorrow. 

It's all go go go and spend spend spend. Eeeek.

Hope you lot have had a good weekend.

Mr Bo Hingles

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