My Life Is Not Average

By melamny


Creative Arts - day 4

At Blaithwaite each leader and camper gets a sketchbook for writing and drawing and generally being creative. Mine mostly gets used for taking notes in the evening meetings!

In the morning I was helping Amanda with the second film-making workshop she was running. She's getting them to make photo-romans this year, so the group decided to make a not-so-super-villain movie starring Wonderless Woman and Arachnophobic Man, amongst others. I played the victim, wearing my Stark Industries t-shirt for a little irony.

This afternoon we then had our second and final writing workshop. The character I came up with today was a dog who wanted to learn to play the guitar; slight contrast to the double agent I created yesterday!

Joined the lovely and very talented David and Sam on the worship team tonight. They have a band so it's an honour to play music alongside them.

Jesus said:
I AM the bread of life

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