But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Lego Ninja.

An interesting character that set me back a couple of pounds, but then I’d pay a street artist a similar amount for a blip – I feel you are allowed a better picture if you cross their collecting mugs with the proverbial silver before raising a camera.
I find it difficult, or at least strangely unfullfilling, to do things the easy way as in: point, hold breath, shoot. Having tried various depths of field and not been entirely happy with any of them, I blended two pictures together, one for the subject and the other for the background. It didn’t present any great problems although there is an area around his/her head that doesn’t look quite right, but then neither of the originals look quite right either so it is probably only happening in my head. I’m firmly of the opinion that it is worth challenging myself so that I can learn.
This is part of my toy collection for “A Year With My Camera.” Well it does give me something to do although herself would say that I already have enough.

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