Off Centre

By RachelCarter


Oh for more simple moments like this.

Last year wasn't a brilliant summer but I remember taking plenty of this sort of shot.

I've antiqued it because it's how I remember summers years ago and because I miss this kind of simplicity. However hard I try to keep things simple I always manage to complicate things so at least I can have a simple photo.

Tess took a notebook and pencil on our walk. She noted the mud a few times and inspected puddles. We saw bees, bugs, swallows, butterflies (hooray!!) and a farmer baling his hay. I can't imagine it's going to be very good hay... Everything's still soggy.
It was like one day of summer when we should have weeks of it. Odd.

I feel as if I've been punched in the back today and am trying to muster up the courage to phone the doc and get an appointment during the week. Don't really want to though.

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