Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Shell Oil

is detrimental to the future of polar bears.

You wouldn't know it to watch the BBC news tonight but Greenpeace are campaigning tirelessly to protect the Arctic (and potentially the planet and all life itself) on behalf of all of us. Shell oil should not be drilling in the arctic.

Thank you Greenpeace folk. You are wonderful.

They managed to close down over 70 Shell garages in London and Edinburgh and could - if publicised better - have sent a crucial message to the world. BBC news seemed to be more interested in Elton John and the Olympics. I'm repeatedly very cross with the media for deliberately omitting significant news.

I did what I could by tweeting links and posting the campaign to facebook. It's not much but any raising of awareness I believe is like dominos and we mustn't underestimate the power of the Internet to pass things on. How long until everyone realises that the media are a LONG way from giving us a picture about everything important and relevant. I find I often have to go looking for important news whilst the people paid to provide it irritate me with celebrity awfulness, sport, scandal, and repetitiveness.

Shame on them.

This: Save the Arctic is what's important. It's about the planet, the future, our kids' lives, our kids' kids' lives, and other beautiful innocent creatures. The rest of the nonsense we obsess about is just icing sugar on the cake of life - and we all know icing sugar is pointless on a messed up planet because it doesn't stand a chance in the terrible weather conditions caused by climate change.

Please follow the link and add your name. And share it. Be a domino. Make sure your grandchildren have a cake to ice. Please.


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