Bird Wars

I have been out quite a bit  recently so today I decided to stay home no matter what and do some long overdue housework. Just as well I  did as I had surprise visitors. A girl I was at High School with many moons ago was staying with a friend locally and expressed a wish to see me again, so they dropped in on the off chance I was home. Funny how some people just dont change. I hadnt seen her for  50 years and she was just the same as I remembered - just a little more weathered, as am I.

For a stay at home blip, I hung around the bird feeder after I had fed them and was greatly entertained by the bickering and general bad temper that was displayed. It seemed to be a battle between the sparrows and the green finches. Sharing is obviously a very difficult concept for them. There is a different view in extras and as always, they look better in large.

Tomorrow is Tiny Tuesday again - please tag your macros Tiny Tuesday43, TT43. I look forward to seeing what you come up with this week.

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