WWW Equinox!

A few of us met at the very civilised time of 10.30 for our Women Who Walk Equinox walk! Colourful mai had been up early saturday to do the chickens and fancied a lie in - I was actually up at 7.30 so had a good time catching up on journals! 
There was decidedly more talking than walking, and they all happily waited whilst I took photos and often needed prompting to start walking again! I love this one of them all - not posed, them just standing and chatting holding some very odd postures! Vegan Jo had a swing in the woods helped by Colourful Mai,  and we met two friendly robins, so I fed them and the girls and inadvertently the two dogs Kes and Connie! We happily wandered up and down and along the various tracks in Cotehele woods, admiring the spring flowers, catching up on each others news, planning some walks on Dartmoor! I bumped into Weaver man and was shown some lead his neighbour had made the previous night - he now runs the Boatyard and wanted it for ballast! 
Back in Calstock Party Girl and I stopped in the Make Do and Mend shop and I bought a Whitestuff red jumper and we had a nice chat with the dressmaker!  We then joined Vegan Jo at The Angels house and chatted some more over coffee, mostly about refugees as The Angel is a lawyer for them,  and then shared the children's lunch! Finally vegan Jo dropped Party Girl and I home and went on to do some paperwork, whilst Party Girl and I chatted some more over several cups of coffee!
So that was the day! Processed phOtos, put chickens to bed, ate and then collapsed on the sofa in front of the TV! Party Girl had spoken of the idea of moving to Bristol, her daughter is finishing University and is going to live there, and her partner is from London and likes the idea of city living once more. Bristol is a very nice city, it is after all my home town, but it's never going to beat Calstock and the friends I have here and the occasions like today, when a walk becomes an extended chat and eat! 

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