Going Asian

All the soreness started to properly come out today. I set no alarm and slept right through until the afternoon. The rest of the day disappeared in something of a blur. The only thing I had a mind to do was take a walk a few minutes up the road to the Cow and Calf with the aim of grabbing a couple of blips. 

I was feeling rather delicate, of both mind and body, so it was good to have a reason to get some air. I doubt I would have done so otherwise. I really couldn't make into town for the blipmeet that had been arranged for today. Talking is a little painful still and I'm not very good at keeping quiet! 

Rather than go looking for pictures I just sat on a rock and let them come to me for a change. Despite my rather frightening appearance I seemed to have no problem attracting the attention of a number of a young women! This couple, Azra and Saj, were very obliging. They said they often came up here to Ilkley Moor from Bradford, usually with their training gear for a decent walk, but today had decided to go Asian! I'm rather glad they did!!

It was the first day of Spring, in every way. It was a lovely day with mild temperatures and hardly any wind - just the kind of day I've been looking forward to enjoying on the bike in months. Just cursing my misfortune a little right now - but still thankful to be in one piece, and for all your wonderful comments. The hardest thing at the moment is time at the computer so please excuse me for not being very responsive. I do really appreciate all your kindness.

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