Little & Large

I've been saving the teeny tiny pine cone for today's challenge since I found it almost a week ago. It's 2cm high and very small compared to the giant one I collected in Provence maybe 15 years ago. We have several of the latter for decoration in an old coal scuttle next to the wood burning stove. Thank you lizellen for hosting the Tiny Tuesday challenge.

This evening I hung up card (Easter) egg shapes in the trees of the local park for the Brownies to find. They loved it as it was dusk when they set off so they needed their torches.

After that I joined a few mums from Lauren's previous school for a pub meal which was such fun., I haven't laughed so much in a long long time. It's intriguing how friendships evolve: we are a diverse group with not a lot in common on the face of it. We don't see each other often at all but somehow when we do, we laugh a lot.

Laughter is the best remedy for so many ills. Horrified none the less by the atrocities in Brussels.

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