An inordinate fondness...

...for beetles.

I can only get as far as order: Coleoptera for this one. There is something of an infestation in the flat, I finally caught one and froze it (sorry) for a bit of macro-practice in the hope of getting an ID. The adults are about 8 mm long, the larvae grow to about the same and are quite hairy.

They seem to live by the skirting-boards, beside carpets and also in the bathroom. They are never seen in the kitchen, which I think rules out larder-beetles; too big for carpet beetles or woodworm. I reckon they are probably not likely to be munching our home from under our feet, then...

I still haven't caught up with my blip commenting. :(

The quote about fondness is (I think) from JBS Haldane (not going to use the interwebs to check!) who was asked what insights his study of biology had revealed to him about the nature of god. :D

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