The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Resurfacing, part three

The High Street of Stroud was 'patched up' at a critical junction four years ago, when the council found they had a budget surplus they needed to spend urgently. The result was unaesthetically pleasing, and questions were asked. The following year, 2013, the top half of the street was redone, properly this time, with York stone paving slabs. I blipoed blipped the lorries on 1st Feb 2013, and the finished surface later that year.

Now work has begun on the lower section. It's a big job, and will take about fourteen weeks. I bought the local paper recently, and it seemed to be full of grumbles about the length of time needed. Apart from employing people to work at night ( and plenty of people do live in flats above the shops, so it is a residential area) , I don't see how the council could bring the completion date any closer.

More when it is done....

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