Return to the North

By Viking

Oh what a tangled web we weave

A day of frustrations today. 
1) I got 4 hours sleep - due to my back issues it was after 4am before I got to sleep and woke up just after 8am!
2) Movement has been pretty restricted for much of the day (apart from the half or so after painkillers are consumed)
3) Getting showered and dressed was an interesting challenge!

On the positive side
1) A friend gave me kilos of plums and Nashi off the trees in their garden so I have spent the afternoon stewing plums for freezing as well as attempting to stew Nashi (tubs of both now safely in the freezer for mid winter)
2) Made some into a Nashi and plum crumble (which got good ratings from G and I)
3) Cooked Italian meatballs for tea

Strangely standing is not the issue with my back (to a degree at least) it is bending that is the issue.

G and I arrived back from their Easter break and hunted out a wheat bag for me, cased in possum fur for extra comfort. So I will be sharing my bed with a possum tonight :-)

The shot is of cobwebs surrounding a hole in the wooden garden furniture 

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