Mini Blip Meet

Connections and I met for lunch today at Eat, the new restaurant on East Chestnut in Bellingham, across from Kulshan Cycles. The food was delicious. I had a cod open faced sandwich and C had a goat cheese plate. You can see her food in this photograph. We talked of many things and as usual enjoyed each other's company immensely.

I spent the morning shopping. I went to Kohl's to buy a new bed set for our new bed. They had an ad in the paper and that is why I went. I think that may be the first time I've ever done that. Certainly one of the first. I don't read ads and then go to the stores... but today I did.

On the way home from lunch I stopped at the Brio Laundry to wash the new bed linen and our current down comforter. I had to use a large machine just for the new comforter... goodness! Now everything is clean and ready for delivery of our new bed on Saturday.

Tonight Arvin and I are going to see a film made by a museum about the art of Leonardo Da Vinci. That should be interesting. I think Steve might join us. 

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