Campaign Trail

A social evening/fundraiser last night for the campaign for next month's election.

I have become more motivated by events Darn Sarf. Also because this week my mum's care home forwarded a letter to her confirming that her application for a postal vote has been approved.

That's interesting, because (1) they've never sent me any voter communications before (2) someone has registered her to vote (3) someone has applied on her behalf for a postal vote (4) she can't do anything like that herself (5) I have the power of attorney to deal with all her affairs (6) no-one has a clue how she'd want to vote (including her).

Well, I'll be doing some investigating next week. Looks like someone has been planning some election fraud.

The Blip is our MP Roger Mullen giving us all a warm welcome and urging generous donations. Wonder if political donations are allowable against tax?

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