My little mate

I've realised my cryptic references over the past 2 days have caused people anxiety and concern. That wasn't my intention. I am feeling shocked but I will be ok. For others, the devastation and trauma will take a long time to ease.

I spent time in the kitchen today cooking and baking for my neighbours, and for a friend who is battling cancer. The Pope came and went, he's a busy young fellow with bugs to chase, other young cats to play with, and adventures to have out of sight of me.

At some point I looked at the window to see him watching me intently. I smiled and gave thanks. He's a good little mate and he's shown surprising sensitivity over the past couple of days.

I hoped he'd plant the tray of pansies in front of him but they're still all there waiting for me. Maybe tomorrow.

It's time now to take stock of today and chill.

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