Blip meet at the Jet Age Museum

A good turnout at the blipmeet organished by djrose007 with Incredibish, hildasrose, SHH, ThingsBeautiful, GregLovett, HelenJG, MPJG, CleanSteve, Woodpeckers, ABeaglePackDad and I in attendance. We had a cuppa while we introduced ourselves then wandered round the museum at a leisurely pace. The staff were welcoming and knowledgeable and if anyone is in the area I recommend popping in.

As we were only 22 miles away from Colwall where I was born we drove up to visit, going on to my next home in Worcester, finishing off with a walk round the Cathedral. Setting SatNav to avoid motorways we headed home across country. We could see Broadway Tower in the far distance which captured our interest and as it was on our route we stopped off to investigate. My links aren't working :( Definitely one to visit another day as climbing to the top seemed beyond me on this occasion.

A long drive home ensued, broken only by the inevitable highlight of any English road trip of eating at a Little Chef. It was that or McDonald's. Great welcome from the woofs. We seem to be in less trouble than we expected.

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