Fooled Ya!!

........I bet you were thinking this is another piece of abstract art and I'm thinking it's Abstract Thursday!!  It is in fact the side of the "Toilet Block" in Blackheath.  

If you look closely you will see the Disabled Toilet sign and if you look even closer you will see this work of art has been signed by the Aussie Icon who created it - Jenny Kee.  

Now I've blipped the toilet block many eons ago in live living colour.  As I said way back then, it has to be the most spectacular toilet block in Australia, in fact possibly the whole world!!

Jenny lives in Blackheath and you often see her walking around the village.  She also designed an incredible mural for the side of the old Victory Theatre, which is in itself a remarkable work of art.  

This was a very challenging Mono Monday theme DavidC and I had to dig deep to come up with something.  Thanks for your though provoking challenge and for hosting Mono Monday in April.

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