New SoulCollage Sisters...

Dear Diary,

I introduced six women to the process of SoulCollage yesterday and they did an amazing job, once they got here that is.  We had a terrible wind blowing and it knocked down a tree that made them re-route around so they were a time getting here.  But all's well that ends well as they say and they enjoyed the afternoon.  I really enjoyed their collages and their writing as well and Emerson enjoyed being fawned over.

Last night, at 3am, the power went off and my trusty generator was not so trustworthy.  It brought back the power but not fully so the furnace did not work and it got cold rather quickly.  Fortunately, they had the power back on in a couple of hours so we didn't have to start a fire in the wood stove.  A call into the generator repair people will have to be made this morning.'s always something!

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