
By Leiflife

Self-Portrait With Reflection

Fierce storms have raged,
but quiet puddles reflect
blue sky and spring green of tree...
And me.

These were taken on a very beautiful day when I was able to distract myself for a while from the difficulties of the last week since Easter. 

On Monday, after a weekend of baking and socializing with family, I was exceptionally tired, and expected to go to yet another event. My lower back was nagging, and I was trying to figure out an excuse...besides tiredness, when I heard cat yowls outside and went to let Pearl in. She ran in and I when I turned to shut the door, my legs gave out and I landed on the floor. It wasn't a fall so much as a crumpling, but was very frightening and I thought at first I must go to the emergency room, but when my cousin came she helped me to get off the floor onto a chair, and then use the chair as a walker. Later I could discard the chair, and I walked outside with Music. 

Since then, I have made a couple of doctor appointments, but I am pretty sure it is the sciatica telling me I've been overdoing it. My body telling me what I know in the depths of my psyche. Let up... Rest as much as you need to rest. Stop striving to please, and wait for truth to be revealed. I have felt badly, again, about not keeping up with comments, but sitting for any length of time seems to be overdoing it. So... Truth...

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