shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Some colour for my last day

Today was my last proper day in Bangladesh. I am leaving the guesthouse tomorrow at 6:30 am Dhaka time, and will be travelling all day, arriving in Glasgow about 8pm UK time, so count those hours and add 5 for the total number of hours travelling. I saw this lady, who was walking along the road with a man, but he got quite a bit ahead of her, as both of them together would have made an even more striking shot. I suspect that everything will look very bland once I'm back in Scotland, in the wind and rain! It has been a wonderful trip, and I would love to stay longer, but I'm back to work on Monday, and to the usual financial analysis tasks, plus pulling together all the stuff acquired here - meaning case studies and photos and information about what is going on, not any purchases. I have apart from my hotel bills spent a grand total of 40Tk, on two cups of coffee at the airport in Chittagong! Not much free time, but great company and so many inspiring stories.

Anyway, I'm off to have a last Bangla dinner, I will really miss the food! Hope you've enjoyed my blips from here, normal service will soon resume!

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